About Us
Qualified experienced teachers is passionate and dedicated to achieving the best possible outcomes for students. Every employee in Slough Tuition Centre has enhanced DBS checks.

STC Approach
STC is Affordable
Here at Slough Tuition Centre, we understand that parents want their children to be able to benefit from our excellent tuition services, however, we also appreciate that finding the money to fund this can be difficult, particularly in the current economic climate. Therefore, we are pleased to announce that parents with children at Slough Tuition Centre can take advantage of savings on fees through Childcare Vouchers and Working Tax Credit. Parents can also now effectively increase the number of hours of tuition that their child undertakes for the same amount of money allowing them to give their child that extra boost that keeps them progressing.
To make a claim for the Childcare Element of Working Tax Credit, please phone the HM Revenue & Customs Working Tax Credit Helpline on 0845 300 3900 which is available from 08.00 to 20.00 seven days a week.
You may find leaflet WTC5 (Working Tax Credit – Help with the costs of childcare, 6th April 2011: A guide explaining help with the costs of childcare for parents) particularly helpful. Click the following link to view:
STC Promise is Progress

STC is Ofsted Approved
We are Ofsted Registered centre and in our most recent inspection on 4th July 2017 it is reported that; ”I inspected your childcare provision on 4 July 2017. At the time of the visit, I confirmed that you were complying with all of the requirements for registration on the Childcare Register.” This is another acknowledgement of our professionalism, hard work and dedication.
OFSTED is the Office for Standards in Education, Children’s Services and Skills. They regulate and inspect to achieve excellence in the care of children and young people, and in education and skills for learners of all ages.
Registration on the Ofsted Voluntary Childcare Register assures you that:
We have met basic standards designed to safeguard children;
•Our premises, equipment and care provision is safe and suitable;
•Local authorities offer us support and can pass on our details to those seeking childcare;
•At least one staff member has had First Aid training;
•At least one staff member has had appropriate training regarding the Common Core Skills;
•We can accept Childcare Vouchers;
•Parents may be eligible for help with fees under the Working Tax Credit arrangements.
•Save Money on Slough Tuition Centre Tuition Fees through Childcare Vouchers and Working Tax Credit

STC Achievements
- Of the primary school pupils, the STC has supported, 81% met the expected standard in reading and 90% in maths (19% and 23% higher respectively than the national average for disadvantaged pupils).
- Of the secondary school pupils who attended 15 or more STC sessions, 81% achieved a grade 4 or above in GCSE English and 68% reached this level in GCSE maths, both exceeding the national average for disadvantaged pupils.
Meet STC Team
Z Abbas CEO & Director
Zaheer is the director and CEO of Slough Tuition Centre. Zaheer was inspired to start STC following experiences working at various positions in Education. Zaheer holds a Master’s degree in science and possesses over 20 years of experience in education sector. He worked as a school governor at a secondary school in Slough. He provides professional vision and leadership to the STC, which secures its success and improvement, ensuring high quality education for all its pupils and improved standards of learning and achievement. He oversees all operations and business activities to ensure STC produce the desired results and are consistent with the overall strategy and mission.
I Singh Admin & HR Ditector
Inderjit joined Slough Tuition Centre as Head of Finance and as a HR Director. Indejeet is responsible for financial management and control and all frontline areas of operations including legal, office and HR admissions. Inderjeet graduated from the University of Cambridge currently holding a Master’s degree in science. Inderjit monitors the day-to-day financial operations within the tuition. He manages all issues in accordance with the STC’s Finance regulations, HR and all other admin policies. He has good working knowledge of theoretical, practical and procedural processes within administration, finance and HR function. He also understands procedures and legislation relating to confidentiality and demonstrate sensitivity and tact in confidential situations.
Salman Head of IT
Salman is highly accomplished in the field of IT and has been part of STC as a Head of IT supporting the business. Salman is dedicated to implementing high levels of IT Security for Slough Tuition Centre and is always looking into new technologies and how STC can utilise these to provide better support to its students.
J Khan Head of Monitoring Student Progress
Jahan joined Slough Tuition as the Head of Monitoring. Jahan is currently studying a degree in Economics. Jahan is particularly impassioned about working to ensure all young people from all families are able to reach their full prospective.
M Dhaliwal Safeguarding Lead
Mandy works closely with the management committee of STC senior safeguarding lead to ensure they are kept up to date with safeguarding issues and are fully informed of any concerns about organisational safeguarding and child protection practice. She liaises regularly to the management committee on issues relating to safeguarding and child protection, to ensure that child protection is seen as an ongoing priority issue and that safeguarding, and child protection requirements are being followed at all levels of the organization.
S Noon Key Stage 1 & 2 Lead
Sara is responsible and accountable for securing the highest standards of pupil achievements across the primary groups, through a process of effective monitoring, evaluation, reporting and review of learning, progress and teaching outcomes. Prior to starting with Slough Tuition Centre, she had worked as a deputy head at reputable international institute, spent time working at STC and has therefore witnessed her capability for her role. She is accountable for the strategic leadership and management of all the Primary phase, within the context of the STC’s aims and policies.
M Zab Head of Monitoring
Maha oversees and leads the development of STC monitoring systems, procedures and tools. She plays a key role in maintaining a Program Knowledge Management and Learning system. She leads all Program baseline, mid-term and end-line surveys in support of Program data collection and analysis to inform tuition Program interventions. She is always excited as a very valuable member of STC team in Slough Tuition Centre as a Head of Monitoring.
S J O'Gorman Head of Science
Sara is responsible for an ongoing review of the Science faculty curriculum. She has been maintaining an up to date set of schemes of work and syllabuses for all areas within the Science faculty. She works in collaboration with science teachers and SENDCO to ensure that all pupils receive high quality interventions in science.
R Mapanzure Head of Mathematics
Ray has designed an engaging and challenging Mathematics curriculum that enables all students to enjoy the subject and achieve at the highest level, supported by detailed schemes of work which ensure consistency and coherence across all phases from KS1 to GCSE. He leads colleagues in the Maths’ area in formulating aims, objectives and strategic plans for the team which, support and complement those of the STC.
S Houdi Head of MFL
Said develops and implement policies and practices for the Modern Foreign Languages. Said ensures at STC that appropriate challenging targets are set for all students and that high expectations and high standards are maintained across the MFL faculty. Said supports the STC’s Attitude to Learning Framework, to maintain a positive environment for teaching and learning. He ensures schemes of work are developed and are appropriate to ensure that all pupils are able to make good progress, relative to their starting points.
J Sidhu Head of Humanities
Jade supports the STC’s aims and objectives and policy decisions and contribute to their evolution, implementation, monitoring and evaluation. She supports, develops and hold accountable a team of History, Geography and RS teachers and provides professional leadership and management of the faculty in order to secure high quality teaching and improve standards of learning and achievement of all students.
STC is for Community
Due to our commitment to helping our local community, Slough Tuition Centre has been awarded the community services award from the Mayor of Slough in December 2014. We achieved this as of our specular professional commitment in society.