Recruitment Policy
The Slough Tuition Centre is committed to ensuring that the recruitment and selection of all tutors will be fair, open and transparent and will comply with all relevant legislation. Personal information received is dealt with in the strictest confidence.
Applicants will not be excluded from being considered based specifically on their need, background, culture gender, religion or economic circumstances. Tutors are engaged based on qualification, competency and enthusiasm for the position.
Tutors’ Curriculum Vitae are accepted and retained electronically.
Potential tutors are required to apply online using link;
Prospective Tutors
The Slough Tuition Centre is committed to safeguarding and promoting the welfare of children and young people and all students and tutors are bound to share and honour this commitment.
Only those applicants who meet the Slough Tuition Centre criteria are selected and invited in for a formal face-to face interview or Zoom Interview. In addition to a candidate’s ability to perform the duties of the post of self-employed tutor, the interview would also explore issues such as: –
- Motivation to work with young people
- Ability to form and maintain appropriate relationships and personal boundaries with students
- Emotional resilience in dealing with challenging behaviour
- Photo checked and details taken.
- DBS disclosures and degree/qualification certificates are checked and recorded.
- Potential tutors are given Service Agreements to take away and read. We will provide no connections between tutor(s) and student(s) until we have received signed Service.
Agreements. We respond to any queries raised. - QUESTIONS are asked about;
- tutor’s motivation and reason for becoming a tutor
- Skills and experience
- any particular successes they have had with teaching
- issues or queries arising from the C.V.
- Tutors are expected to adhere to professional standards of conduct and behaviour, specifically:
- thoroughly ascertain full details/requirements when contacting the client
- assess student during first lesson in order to prepare the tuition programme
- thoroughly prepare all lessons in advance
- adapt teaching style and content to suit individual needs of student o provide their own teaching materials and resources e.g. past papers, texts, books, work sheets
- keep abreast of the latest developments in teaching methods, syllabus updates and changes in education policy
- research exam board specifications particularly in current climate of changing syllabi
- report back to the Slough Tuition Centre with any problems or concerns to be punctual and dress neatly.
- All tutors at the Slough Tuition Centre must complete all EduCare Safeguarding courses before starting tuition.
- Tutors must read and adhere to all STC policies.
- All tutors understand they must report any concerns regarding the well-being of a student to the Slough Tuition Centre immediately. If a child is deemed to be in immediate danger during the lesson a tutor should contact the designated safe guarding lead and follow STC policy in relation to safeguarding. Tutors keep all information relating to their students confidential.
- The Slough Tuition Centre ensures that tutors are aware that they are not restraint trained and therefore clearly understand never to apply physical interventions unless to avoid immediate danger of accident or injury to student or others.
- Tutors are told that the location for the tuition should always be entirely suitable and appropriate.
- Tutors are reminded of the Slough Tuition Centre’s 48-hour cancellation policy.
Disclosure Checks and Approval
In the event that relevant information (whether in relation to previous convictions or otherwise) is volunteered by an applicant during the recruitment process or obtained through a disclosure check, the Slough Tuition Centre will consider the following factors before reaching a recruitment decision:
- whether the conviction or other matter revealed is relevant to the position in question;
- the seriousness of any offence or other matter revealed;
- the length of time since the offence or other matter occurred;
- whether the applicant has a pattern of offending behaviour or other relevant matters;
- whether the applicant's circumstances have changed since the offending behaviour
- the circumstances surrounding the offence and the explanation(s) offered by the convicted person.
Once all checks have been completed, a tutor will then be approved as suitable to be called upon to work for the Slough Tuition Centre.
Any tutors not maintaining high standards of teaching and professional behaviour are permanently removed from the database.
Social Inclusion Policy
The aim of the Slough Tuition Centre is to make sure that our tuition services are easily made accessible to all who want or need them. We recognize it is our moral and indeed legal imperative to prevent the possibility of any kind of Social Exclusion. Put simply, we want to provide a friendly and efficient service that makes sure no one is left out.
The Slough Tuition Centre is an organization which offers equal opportunities to all – students, parents and tutors – regardless of race, gender, religion, cultural heritage, age, disability, or sexual orientation, based on the guidelines set out in the new disability legislation, the Special Educational Needs and Disability Act.
We are conscious of the issues involved in the term “social inclusion” and the way we handle them in the daily delivery of our services. If you have any questions or worries about our services, please feel ready to call us and we will do our utmost to respond.